Anderson School’s After School Program is partnered with Greater Gallatin United Way kidsLINK, an initiative for after school programs. The program is fee-based with resources from Greater Gallatin United Way. It is governed and regulated by Anderson School District. For additional questions, please contact the Aftercare coordinator at
Our Philosophy
We understand that your child comes to us with unique experiences, interests and learning styles. Our goal is to know your child well and use this knowledge to guide, support and motivate him or her. We value parent involvement at every level and encourage you to partner with us to give your child the most powerful and joyous experience possible.
Target Outcomes
Program Description
Although daily schedules vary, the following is a typical schedule:
Daily each child will be asked if he/she has homework, if so one of the teachers will assist them if needed. After homework, snacks will be served. We do have requirements for what needs to be served, however if you have a suggestion on what your child likes to eat, PLEASE let us know. A nutritious snack is very important and we would like any ideas to make this happen.
Daily Fees
The daily rate is as follows for after school, 3:20pm – 5:45pm